Rooted in Reading passports: an introduction
It occurred to me recently that, although Rooted in Reading has now been around for over a decade, there are still many teachers out...
Rooted in Reading passports: an introduction
Reading comprehension: as easy as pie!
Gaps – vocabulary, reading and NATE Conference
Should we abandon reading for pleasure? Part 2
Personal Best and the 5 key features of Growth Mindset: making it real
Personal Best Academy – the planning stage
Personal Best – growth mindset and literacy
Literacy, meaning making and social and cultural capital: six thoughts
Environmental Givens: Researching reading and Growth Mindset
Evolution, the developing brain and the power of reading
Becoming a Reading school – Ofsted case study
Question Fans
Joe Wicks, Functional Fluency and teacher observation
The 15 Rooted in Reading Principles
How we became a school that reads